On my last trip to Rwanda, Josue, one of "the six," (see Sept 29th Blog Post) helped to teach in Rusozi. Deo, also one of "the six," helped to teach in Muhanga. In the final three locations, the remaining four of "the six" assisted in the teaching. All of these locations are in Rwanda and it was great to experience the growth of these six church leaders. But in November, Theophile is planning to take two of "the six" to the Congo and Burundi. This is a significant step forward for Rwanda Challenge.
Aaron will travel with Theophile to Burundi and the southwest part of the Congo. Jean D'Amour will share in the teaching in a northeast section of the Congo. This is a first in what we pray will become the norm for these Rwandan church leaders; multiplying the teaching of Rwanda Challenge.
The plan is to teach sixty church leaders; twenty each in three locations on the November trip. We would love to be able to provide sixty Kinyarwanda Study Bibles for each church leader taught. Theophile says this will be the first time the church leaders in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Burundi will be introduced to the KSB. I can't begin to describe the impact this one resource makes for a local church leader and then the local church. It is a great blessing when we teach these church leaders. That blessing is compounded exponentially when we put a KSB in their hands and teach them how to use it.
Each Bible cost $20. If you desire to bless these church leaders, you can send a contribution to:
Cornerstone Church of Christ
1186 Fairview Rd N.
Chatham, VA 24531
Write in the memo line: KSB