"The Life of Joseph."
Stephen interprets
for Frank.
Rwanda Challenge began an experiment on Monday with twenty-three church leaders known as the "Equip a Church Leader" group (http://www.rwandachallenge.com/equip-a-church-leader.html). While we teach church leaders in various locations in Rwanda, we have been teaching the EACL group for one week on every trip since June 2011 (seven weeks). Their competence and growth has been very encouraging. I experience good church leaders who desire to teach and preach the truth.
The Experiment
Since June 2011 we have been providing a Kinyarwanda translation of the Africa Bible Commentary; written by seventy African scholars, but available in only three languages. Each trip we get permission to translate the section we will be studying on that trip.
Last September the Kinyarwanda Study Bible became available in Rwanda. The week after they became available I was in Kigali and purchased one hundred to be provided for church leaders we would be teaching. Each time we meet with the EACL group we have been teaching them how to use these two resources.
In January and June I taught and provided lessons on Genesis 1-11. These chapters are foundational for Genesis, the Bible, and a biblical worldview. So, each week the EACL group has been showing growth in their ability to use the resources Rwanda Challenge has provided. "Are they ready to create their own resources and can we finish Genesis in one week?" In five days they would be creating four lessons: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.
Twenty-three church leaders were divided into four groups and on Tuesday morning each group presented their lesson on "The Life of Abraham." Each group did a good job, but I was reminded of freshmen in Bible College completing some of their first assignments. With some critique and clarification, they divided into their groups to begin "The Life of Isaac." On Wednesday morning they shared their lessons. There was significant improvement. Each group showed great progress in providing New Testament links from Romans, Galatians, Hebrews, etc.
Friday morning each group presented their final lesson; "The Life of Joseph." For many Rwandan church leaders, the life of Joseph is their favorite Bible story. Their presentations were great! They were confident in their presentations and discerning in the content they included. Theophile commented this morning on how valuable the week has been for these church leaders, how they have grown and appreciated the week. And by lunch time on Friday, Genesis was complete.
Give a man a fish and feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime.
Equip a man to start a fishing business and feed a whole community.
Excited about fishing,