Tonight, Neal and I get on the plane to leave Kigali. That gives us a little time to just rest and reflect. Reflections on the past two days are significant reminders of the poverty which the majority of Rwandans face daily. And yet their contentment in life seems far superior to that of the typical American.
In Matthew 5:5, Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit…” But in Luke 6:20 He said, “Blessed are you who are poor…” Sometimes I think I understand what He meant and at other times I have to wonder.
On Sunday we worshipped with the church in Rusororo just east of Kigali. One woman gave thanks to God that she was able to donate one plastic chair for the church building.
Today we visited Bruce Southerland’s team in the East Province. We were also able to visit the homes of two of the church leaders we have been able to teach. One has eight children and lives in a two room mud brick home with a dirt floor and tarps for a roof.
They seemed to be very thankful for us to be there.
In my reflections about Rwanda, I have to wonder why Jesus never said, “Blessed are the rich.”
I will get on a plane tonight, but my thoughts are with the “blessed people” of Rwanda.