On Monday, we were teaching twenty church leaders from throughout Kigali. We didn’t think anything of it at the time, but there was one leader, Alloys, wearing casual clothes (t-shirt and jeans), while all the rest of the leaders were wearing nicer clothes (button-down shirts). This distinction did not become apparent to me until the next morning, when Frank asked the leaders if they had any questions, concerns, or comments about the previous day’s teachings. Alloys stood up and began to tell us that on Sunday night, he had a dream that he was at this church building and was learning about the Word. When he woke up, he felt he was supposed to come to the church, but he was unsure of what he would find (hence, why he was only wearing a t-shirt and jeans). He then realized that God had brought him to the Church building, so he could learn from Frank and know the Scriptures better. Theophile had not invited him to the teaching; rather, the Holy Spirit had! Alloys wanted us to praise God with him that he was led to the Church by the Spirit, in order that he would be able to have a deeper understanding of the Word. WOW!! Now, I personally have the tendency to be doubtful of such things, but I can assure you that this is the true workings of a good and present God—a God who has answered the prayers of a man hungry for the Word of God. I was so encouraged by Alloys testimony, as it confirmed that God is moving in Rwanda, bringing restoration in ways beyond expectation!
We will continue to teach these church leaders in Kigali until Thursday. These leaders are asking great questions and keeping Frank on his toes. It has been so enjoyable to learn along with them.
Yesterday, I met Theophile’s nephew, Patrice, who is a friend of many of the Manchester Christian Church members who come here. Patrice is the first Rwandan to share his story with me, which has made the genocide more real to me. To hear his story is both heart breaking and encouraging. Patrice lost both of his parents and all of his five siblings in the genocide when he was four. What is truly amazing is how much he affirms God’s goodness, speaking of how blessed he is to have a family in Theophile, as well as in Manchester Christian Church. He is now 22 and going to a college in Uganda. He has such a powerful story! I continue to be blessed by Patrice, not only through his story, but also in the friendship that has developed between us.
This has been a long post, but there are so many good things to write about! I am so thankful for God’s provision, goodness, and blessings that he has poured out over us on this trip.
“In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophecy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” Joel 2:28, NIV