1 Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness.
Let the whole world know what he has done.
2 Sing to him; yes, sing his praises.
Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds.
3 Exult in his holy name;
rejoice, you who worship the Lord.
4 Search for the Lord and for his strength;
continually seek him.
New Living Translation
"...has changed my life, my home, and my ministry."
The names have been changed to... (because I don't know the names).
Mathias sells brochettes (cooked meat on a stick - delicious I might add).
Joshua sold Mathias pork for 50,000 RWFs (about $100 six years ago). Many Rwandans do not make this much money in three months. Mathias thought he gave 50,000 RWFs to Joshua, but when Mathias returned home he found 10,000 in his pocket. He did not tell Joshua about this money.
Joshua did not count the money, because he trusted Mathias. Joshua went home and gave the money to his wife and said keep this for me. When it was time to spend the money Joshua asked his wife to bring it to him. When she gave him the money, he asked, "Why have you taken 10,000." She said, "No. This is the amount you gave me." Joshua said, "No. I gave you 50,000. Why have you stolen the money?" This became a big problem between Joshua and his wife. This continued for six years.
Desire's Testimony of the Mighty Deeds of God:
In February of 2012, RC taught the "Equip a Church Leader" group "Three Lessons on the Holy Spirit: The Gift, The Gifts, and The Fruit of the Holy Spirit." Desire (in the EACL group) was recently teaching the Fruit of the Spirit in the local church where he serves. Mathias heard this teaching about "the acts of the sinful nature" and "the fruit of the Spirit" in Galatians 5. Desire called his people to repentance and asked them to make some application of this teaching in the next seven days. Mathias believed his sin was a hindrance to the fruit of the Spirit growing in his life.
Mathias repented and went to Joshua. He told Joshua and his wife the story of the 10,000 RWFs. Then he asked them (Joshua and his wife are Roman Catholics) if they would come to his church the next Sunday so he could confess his sin and give back the money publicly. The next Sunday came and Mathias told the story to the congregation. He gave the money to Desire and Desire gave the money to the couple. People cried and praised God. Joshua asked his wife to forgive him. "For six years I have believed you had stolen this money and I could not trust you. I ask you to forgive me." And his wife knew that for six years her husband did not trust her. But she also knew she had given him all the money. They cried and hugged. There was great praise and rejoicing for what God had done.
Let us tell our children of the mighty deeds of God; both in the past and what He is doing today.