Then we arrived at the retreat in Wisla, Poland with Messianic Synogogue leaders from Israel. There was another sickness that was putting people in bed. By the time we left Wisla, it seemed I had it. So, once again, I boarded a plane sick, this time headed for Rwanda. We taught for five days the first week of January. Theophile did not feel well and went to a clinic. The test came back positive for malaria. Stephen, our interpreter went to the clinic. Test results were positive for malaria. Then our driver went to the clinic. This time the test results were positive for typhoid.
We cancelled preaching for last Sunday and rested. Now, we are in Ruhango where we will teach three groups in six days. We sent the driver home to rest. Theophile and I are getting better. I still have some sinus issues, but my energy level is increasing each day. I have two more weeks to teach in Rwanda after this Saturday.
Yes, it was a rough beginning, but I feel like I am almost back to my normal health and Theophile is doing much better. Thanks for praying. Please continue to pray for the remainder of this trip.