Some observations:
God loves Rwanda.
Rwanda is a beautiful country with many beautiful people.
Many church leaders in Rwanda are very competent and desire for the church to be healthy in Rwanda.
When church leaders in Rwanda know God's truth, they are able to apply that truth to their culture.
Some obstacles:
Most Rwandans are very poor, but the country is making economic progress.
There are new building standards in Rwanda, but local churches are struggling to keep pace.
Local churches with outside support are able to make the building improvements, etc. while others are left behind.
There seems to be a growing disunity and jealousy between local churches.
Some opportunities:
Rwanda Challenge has been invited to teach fifty church leaders (various denominations) in the South Province who heard about "Three Lessons on the Holy Spirit" and the emphasis on unity.
Rwanda Challenge has been invited to teach twenty church leaders in the Kiziba Camp (the oldest refugee camp in Rwanda).
Rwanda Challenge has been invited to teach church leaders in the prisons in Rwanda.
May God provide the teachers (the fields are ripe, but the laborers are few) and the wisdom to teach His truth in such a way that the Church in Rwanda will truly become a "city on a hill" (Matthew 5:14) for God's glory.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3 NIV