As I reflect on this last trip I will share one story and my excitement for the future.
There are always new groups of church leaders that we teach, but there is one group that we study with every trip (Equip a Church Leader group). We have great hopes that they will grow in their ability to teach other church leaders and become missionaries to neighboring countries. Presently we are studying Genesis in order to lay a firm foundation for a biblical world-view. In June we were discussing God as the One who created and stands outside of time and space. We took a break for lunch. When we came back together I asked the group if someone could share in their own words what we had discussed about time and space. After some hesitation, Deo stood and began to expound on the One who existed from all eternity, the creator of time and space, without beginning and end. As we listened to this church leader from Gikongoro (considered the poorest area in Rwanda), God confirmed that these are very competent church leaders who have lacked opportunities to study God's Word.
Deo is a leader.
He is intelligent.
He is compassionate.
He is respected in his home and community.
And he loves to study God's Word.
It is a joy to study God's truth with these leaders.
Because of leaders like Deo I am excited about the future. Over the last two and a half years I have seen significant growth in the Equip a Church Leader group. These leaders represent all five provinces in Rwanda. They have taught other church leaders (and churches) lessons they have learned from Rwanda Challenge. We are now introducing the next step toward these church leaders being missionaries to neighboring countries. Theophile will bring six of these leaders into Kigali to prepare to teach during our "Rwanda Tour 2013" trip this fall. A different church leader, one of “the six,” will accompany us and share in the teaching responsibility in each location as we teach in "their neighborhood."
Rwanda Challenge has been invited to teach church leaders in neighboring countries. So, following this fall, we will evaluate and then consider sending "the six" to neighboring countries. As I reflect, I am thankful for what God has already done and excited about what He will do in the future.