Eric gives a Kinyarwanda Study Bible to his new friend
Thursday and Friday was the last official group of church leaders taught by Rwanda Challenge on this trip. Eric Lee, Executive Pastor of Manchester Christian Church, was scheduled to join us for this training. He was planning to arrive with the MCC team of eight on Wednesday night. But after sitting on the tarmac in DC for over four hours on Tuesday, they missed their connection in Amsterdam. So, they arrived in Kigali after 2am on Friday morning. To my surprise I awoke to an email on Friday stating Eric would be in the lobby of their hotel ready to go at 8am.
We taught twenty-seven church leaders on Friday, giving each one a Kinyarwanda Study Bible, and finished the day by showing “The Passion of the Christ.” It was great to have Eric join us for the day and he personally assisted two late-comers with the material.
This group serves some of the larger churches in Kigali. They seemed to have a better understanding of the Bible than most groups, but still lacked real depth. One asked if Jesus command to “love your neighbor as yourself” included our enemies. That is a question we expect from new followers of Jesus, but not church leaders.
There were some similarities with other groups that had viewed “The Passion of Christ.” But this group was much stronger in insisting that they had to show this movie to their congregations. I should not be surprised, but I have been amazed at the intensity of the response by the Rwandan people. We will have our final showing for this trip on Sunday evening.
This coming week I will share in a marriage retreat sponsored by “Good Rain 2013.” Then I am scheduled to fly out on Thursday evening to arrive home on Friday.
The Last Rwanda Challenge Group for This Trip
(Front center: Eric, Theophile, and Frank)